This article is the English version of the article Yukarı Bak.
A super fresh Hey to you all! :)
I will be writing after my encounter with a photo today. I am saying “I will” because there are things I want to share beforehand. As you can see, I’m here from time to time, although not very often. Now I want to put this into a regular sharing pattern rather than “time to time”.
This is a very fresh and brand new adventure for me. Every week I want to add a new piece (writing/article, however we want to call it). Actually, every weekend. Would it be possible to have something more on weekdays? What is going to be here like this? We will see. What I want to say for now is that I will be here more often and I would love it if you wanted to share your views with me! :)
Let’s land on the photo. First of all, with respect to the artist of the photo, please turn your brightness to the last level and let your eyes rest for half a minute here.
Photography. Art. It’s kind of proof that sometimes things can be understood not by definition but by tasting reality.
Huge congrats to George Benjamin, lovely rainbows, shining suns, fragrant applause…
I’ll not say it only inspires, but it spreads the inspiration for all.

My impression when I first saw the photo was that it was a black and depressive photo. What I want to tell you now is the opposite. Because after that first raw moment, we see how a “wild” animal, which we are afraid to look at because of brutality, looks up, completely away from wildness, with what appears to be a combination of emotional and complex gestures in real terms. How contrasting and how wonderfully the blackness in the first moment coincides with the white in the pupils.
This serves as pure harmony for us. I remembered the movie Don’t Look Up, which has made a name for itself recently; it also made me think of desensitization and getting away from the comfort zone. Looking up was also on the agenda in Turkey for a while. Along with the rebellious attitude in the movie, I thought how contradictory that was. Just like evolution.
Abraham J. Twerski says that if a lobster had a therapist, it would not break its shell and grow; it would go to the doctor, take antidepressants, and try to be whole with its existing shell, against its nature. which is “breaking the shell and growing up”. Again and again.
But if we need another shell, if we’re going to look elsewhere, does that mean we’re sick? If we break the shells and produce a new one, will it make us bad? Or are we growing?
All I can say, especially from an Istanbul evening with flaky snow:
Let’s look at the sky more, please.
Won’t we be able to read such a vast universe, or will we? Will standing up be considered a disease, as will looking at the sky?
The Future is in the Skies. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
I also paid attention to these eyes looking up, the only inaccessible direction, rather than right or left. I thought that we have become blinded by time to the things around us. We, the lights of our eyes, need a kind of further one sometimes. Just like our brain, which works in the most active way if we have something strange instead of the unconscious, automatic way of working in daily life. Out of the Box. It does not change the fact that a need can be seen in the eyes, whether it is sadness for a kind of escape, hunger, or longing for something in the photograph.
What kind of beauty can one encounter when you look at it like that?
These are really beautiful and bitter eyes, aren’t they?
First, we just call it a black and dark photograph. But it can take you to moments that remind you of something, that will make you think of your life, make you question something.
I am happy after this discovery and wanted to share this experience with you. I will try to be here with my discoveries, experiences, and things to share that are too big to keep to myself. If you happen to stop by here again, it’ll be great to have you back. Let’s say see you later, then. :)
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu
(George Benjamin shared it with these words:
Nature reminds us what it means to be human. It shows us what we’re connected to. rather than what we’re separate from. We’re one of the same.)