This article is the English version of the article “sevgi zorbalıktan güçlüdür.”

“Soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than force.”
Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse.
Sometimes it feels like nothing has a solution and as if this will never end. I’m in a tunnel with no idea where the light is, so I’ve been experiencing these kinds of feelings lately.I know that this light exists and I will get it if I put enough effort into it. But my motivation and my potential are not at peace lately. A Dark and Noisy Tunnel. I feel stuck but also aware of how wide it is. I kind of feel it.
After a long dark night, even bright lights can make our eyes blind. We got used to the darkness. We’ll let ourselves become blind if we get used to. Darkness.
We want the thing we’ve gotten used to. The most natural thing, because it’s so normal that we want it instinctively to protect ourselves from the uncertain dangers.
How nice it is that we know that we improve as much as we go out of this. However, we don’t feel this stuff is enough or sometimes we feel like it is too much. I am glad that I saw that piece by Hermann Hesse a few minutes ago and liked the feeling after reading it. I hope it will intrigue you enough to think about something, and you’ll feel it. Appreciate yourself for one second right now, and breathe, then continue. Doğan Cüceloğlu used to say that people feel so depressed because they think it (the reason for unhappiness) is permanent. Nothing -positive or negative- is permanent, actually. It’ll pass.