This article is the English version of the article “Merci” in Turkish.
Politics is not a field that I am very interested in on a general basis. It makes me feel like it brings an endless knot of fights to the world, to a certain country and the other countries. The reason why I want to write this and spread it from my heart is that I caught a moment when I felt wrong about it and the joy that comes with it. A video I watched is so awesome, such a positive representation of destruction with only a few seconds for me… Please read what I am about to write without forgetting that I am speaking completely from the outside of these messes, knowing that I do not intend to take it anywhere. Because it is so impressive and deep at the same time, I don’t want it to be damaged.
Angela Merkel is the chancellor, that is, the chancellor of Germany.
Emmanuel Macron is the president of France.
President of France, Emmanuel Macron, presented the “Legion d’Honneur”, the highest order of France, to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who visited France for the last time as prime minister. At this point, he thanks Angela Merkel with these sentences.
“Je voulais te remercier de m’avoir tant appris, et d’avoir accepté ce jeune président impétueux, qui voulait tout bousculer. Je crois que nous avons emsemble bousculé beacoup de choses. Et nous avons fait durant ces dernieres années beacoup de choses pour l’Europe.
J’ai surtout appris que c’est dans cette capacité à trouver l’equilibre entre nos deux pays, entre des tempéraments et des histoires differentes, que nous pouvons convaincre les autres États. Merci de cette patience et de cette indulgence à mon égard. Mais plus largement, merci infiniment chère Angela pour tout ce que tu as fait pour notre Europe.”
“I wanted to thank you for teaching me so much and for accepting this hasty young president who wanted to shake things up. I think we shook a lot of things. We’ve done a lot for Europe in the last few years.
First of all, I learned that the balance between two countries, between different temperaments and different histories, is that with this ability we can persuade other states. Thank you for your patience and tolerance towards me. But more generally, thank you very much, dear Angela, for everything you have done for our Europe.”
I saw the hug moment for the first. Afterwards, I wondered and learned the whole thank you. When I read the sentences, except for a few words, they felt completely emotion-based. Just like when I saw that hug moment. We can talk about two different cultures, two languages, two countries, and even at many points, not only difference but even competition. The targeted person understands thanks not as it comes out of his mouth, comes through translation. Despite all these differences, saying these sincere words by looking into their eyes is such a source of closeness, support and thanks… This “talent of balance” as in the sentences…
I can say that I am fascinated. You can already find it from any search engine, I would love for you to just take a few seconds and look. How these people, who have duties that cannot be underestimated at the point of responsibility, are embraced with an inward-touching bond. They do not live in the same country, they do not live in the same culture, the closest way to understand each other is the simultaneous translation! How possible is that?
As mentioned on the basis of the philosophy of language and Analytical Philosophy, maybe our languages are not enough. Not even necessary at some points. To some extent maybe. Who knows?
I was very happy when I saw this hug scene. My heart melted. A heartfelt thank you for such support, tolerance and a truly heartfelt thank you. Moreover, a thank you to Dear Angela, stripped of her identity from Germany and “Merkel” at this point. How precious.
Hugs are always precious to me. It has another place in my heart. I enjoyed seeing and witnessing this version of it. I felt lucky. I hope that in the future we will get used to such a sight so much that we will not be surprised, and we will just enjoy it. To many more.
I would also like to thank Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, two people who humbly caught this beautiful bond and embraced each other so sincerely, for giving us the chance to witness this moment and feeling. :)
Bükre Kay.